Upcoming events:
- Special event: with Stephanie Quirk: “From the Ground Up”: Sat 25 January, 2-5pm
- Backbend practice series: with Peta: Friday 31 Jan to Friday 7 March: 7-8.30am
- Back Care Series: with Tracey: Sunday 2 Feb – Sunday 9 March: 4-5.30pm
- Begin Yoga Weekend: with Suzanne: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 Feb, 11.30-12.45pm both days
- Pranayama 6 week series: with Stephanie Quirk, Friday 7 March to Friday 11 April, 6.00-7.15pm
- Moss Vale retreat: with Suzi: 14-16 March
- Bowral retreat: with Peta: Thursday 11- Sunday 14 September 2025
- Bali retreat: with Suzi: Saturday 25 Oct – Sunday 2 Nov, 2025
Backbend Practice Series:
With Peta
Friday 31 January to Friday 7 March, 2025
Peta is leading another 6 week backbend practice series while mornings are still light and warm. Backbends are a vital part of our practice. They tone, strengthen and mobilise the spine, and create space in the chest and front body. This improves breathing, circulation and digestion. Overall, backbends keep the body supple and bring energy, vitality and lightness. They lift the spirits. But they can present a challenge, especially if done irregularly. They need to be practiced on a regular basis … not just once a month during backbend week.
The focus will be on warming the body up in the key areas required to move into backbends…the arms and shoulders, the legs and pelvis, and from there the spine.
Suitable for General level (L2) students, and students who have been regularly attending Mixed level classes (L1/2) for at least 6 months.
Cost: Special price of $120 for 6 week series enrolment. Purchase a series pass here.
OR attend casually, using your regular class pass.
Back Care Series
With Tracey
Sunday 2 Feb – Sunday 9 March: 4-5.30pm
This six-week series is designed to enhance spinal awareness and teach techniques to re-create space in the spine and strengthen, align, release, support and stabilise the spine during postures. Students will work intelligently to their own level in order to expand self awareness and deepen their practice within this framework. Suitable for students with common back issues or those looking to avoid back issues.
Cost of 6 week series: $130. Buy Series Pass and Book Here
OR attend casually: Purchase a single class pass or use your class pass
Begin Yoga Weekend
With Suzanne Waplington
>> Sat 8 and Sunday 9 February, 2025
>> 11.30-12.45pm each day
>> Cost: $50
>> Book Here
Arambhavastha (commencement stage)
6 week series
with Stephanie Quirk
>> Friday 7 March to Friday 11 April
>> 6.00-7.15pm each Friday
>> Cost: $150 for 6 week series in studio. BOOK HERE
>> Online attendance is also possible: Cost: $140. Go to stephaniequirk.com.au to enrol in this.
As in asana we learn the outer form and alignment of each position, so too in pranayama we learn and pay attention to the outer aspects of posture and technique. These are the container or the form of practice. In this six week series Stephanie will be guiding you to see the connection between the outer form of pranayama and its inner experience. It is understanding the direct connection between the outer form and the inner content that defines Iyengar Yoga.
Required to attend: A minimum of 1 year regular Iyengar Yoga classes with a certified teacher and familiarity with the supine and seated postures used in pranayama practice.
Bowral Retreat
With Peta
>> Thursday 11 – Sunday 14 September 2025
The Bowral retreat is on again in 2025. We will visit in early spring when the tulips are opening up and the weeping cherries blossoming.
Bowral is an easy 90-minute drive from Sydney. We will stay for 4 days and 3 nights at ‘Sage Manor’. Sage is a very pleasant and comfortable property, with a pretty established garden, outdoor eating areas, a beautiful light-filled yoga room and delicious food. It is set in 3 acres of land, at the base of Mount Gibraltar, overlooking Bowral township. There are very pretty walks round about, and a (community) swimming pool down the road. You can check out Sage Manor here: https://www.sagemanorbowral.com.au/.
Our Sage accommodation will be supplemented by a large and comfortable Airbnb property just across the road. This way everyone who wants a single room can have one. Twin share is also possible if that is your preference.
The retreat is suitable for those with some experience of Iyengar yoga. Numbers are limited, so book soon to secure your place.
Arrive by 3pm Thursday 11 September, ready for a 4pm restorative yoga class.
Depart Sunday 14 September at 12pm, after morning yoga and brunch
Each day there will be a morning and afternoon yoga class, 7.45-10am and 4-5.30pm. The yoga program will include a short period of meditation each morning, asana and pranayama, with restorative practice each afternoon.
All meals will be provided at and by Sage Manor. They will be largely, but not solely, vegetarian. There will be a healthy morning fruit juice before class, midday brunch and an evening meal, as well as beverages and snacks available through the day.
There will be plenty of free time each afternoon to do as you wish, whether that’s lying on your bed resting, snuggling up with a book, exploring the Sage Manor gardens and its surrounds, or visiting some of Bowral’s charming attractions and shopping street. Massages can be arranged either at Sage Manor or in Bowral (not included in the retreat price).
The full price of the retreat, including 3 nights single room accommodation, all meals, and yoga classes, is $1230 per person (incl GST). If you choose a twin share room, the price per person is $1140 (incl GST).
A non-refundable deposit of $200 is required to secure your spot. This is due with your booking.
Final payment is required 6 weeks before the retreat start date ie by Thursday 31 July. Once this final payment due date has passed, cancellations will only be refunded if we can fill your space. We will make every effort to do this.
To secure your spot: Contact Peta at: [email protected], or call 0411888494.
Redfern Yoga Space
PH: 0411888494